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Laura Reichert and Kathy Prince

The show will be on exhibit at Aldridge Gardens from July 8th through the end of August.

An artists reception will be held on Thursday, July 25th, from 5 to 7 p.m. in the evening

Kathy Prince Artist Statement
"An appreciation of art and a love of creating art has always been a part of my life, but those things are increasingly taking center stage for me. I love where I am in my artistic journey and excited by the opportunity to paint more often in my retirement life from a long career in healthcare. I can’t wait to see where deliberate attention to growth can take me. As an artist, I am in love with the illusion of realism and the visual devices in art that create it. I seek to tell stories of beauty in the everyday through a practice of intentional observation of composition, color, light, and shadow in the world around me. I hope my work leads you to see and appreciate the visual world in new and different ways. I am self taught but diligent in my learning and practice. I enjoy membership in the Mountain Brook Art Association, Cahawba Art Association, and Alabama Plein Air Artists, and serve currently as President of a local arts organization, Arts Trussville."

Laura Reichert Artist Statement
"Laura Reddick Reichert is a child of God, wife, mother and grandmother, an elder at Cahaba Springs Presbyterian Church (PCUSA), Trussville resident, and retired 38-year art educator, who is finally learning how to become a practicing artist in her old age!"

While visiting our gallery, be sure to see our special collection of Frank Fleming bronze sculptures, donated by Hoover resident Ken Jackson.

Please call us (205.739.6558) before visiting the gallery to make sure we are not hosting a luncheon or event during the time you plan to visit. The gallery is normally open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 

A selection of work from the exhibit is shown in the photos below.

AmFirst is Aldridge Gardens' Arts and Sculpture Corporate Sponsor