Artist Lowell Vann
The art work of Lowell Vann is currently on exhibit in our gallery. Some of Lowell's exhibited pieces are shown in photos below. A price list of the exhibited paintings can also be found below the photos. At the bottom of this page, you will find a gallery of ceramic works as well as his artist's statement.
While visiting the gallery, also be sure to see our special collection of Frank Fleming bronze sculptures, donated by Hoover resident Ken Jackson.

Lowell Vann Ceramic Works
Artist's Statement - Lowell Vann
Through the years, those who have viewed my work have seen quite a variety of subject matter, painting techniques, and handling of the media of expression. My subject matter has run the gamut from quite realistic through abstraction to completely non-objective. Yet even in realism, I looked for abstract principles, concepts, or composition. In abstraction, I looked for pattern and distinct composition of objects and form. In non-objective works, I liked to experiment with color, textures, surfaces, combinations of objects and three-dimensional effects.
I began in realism, but in undergraduate and graduate studies, I moved heavily (almost exclusively) into abstract expressionism. After that, while teaching, I found the freedom to experiment and explore. I have found that I tire rather easily of doing the same type of work on the long term, so I change often and pursue new ventures until I feel comfortable with some mastery of the adventure, (sometimes feeling that I have gone far enough for that time, and leave it for later to return with a new perspective). Then there is something else intriguing enough to begin searching anew.
In other words, I enjoy what I do, often finding challenge in new adventure and experimentation. For this exhibit, I have chosen to exhibit for the first time a total show of realism. This has been an endeavor in finding subject matter of interest-- sometimes emphasizing shapes, color, textures, atmospheric effects, etc.... while striving to capture a particular moment in time. The locations are many, from scenes of the U.S. (especially the South), the foreign places in England, Ireland, Switzerland, and Italy.
I hope you enjoy viewing my attempts to share with you what art allows me to express in these interpretations.
Lowell Vann, 2021