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“Crape Murder” and Pruning for Form Workshop

Tuesday, January 19, 2016
6:00 pm8:00 pm

$15 Members/$18 Non-Members
Class size is limited. Pre-registration suggested.

Rip Weaver, CLARB, ASLA and Executive Director, Aldridge Gardens

Crape Myrtles are one of the world’s most beautifully sculptured, flowering trees. However, there are crimes being committed against them! Have you driven around the Birmingham area and noticed ugly knotted, gnarled, pitiful scars and wounds on this once lovely tree? Because everyone else makes a horrid ritual of butchering these ornamental trees, many “gardeners” think they also must top these once beautiful plants. Come join Rip Weaver as he teaches us how to correctly prune crape myrtles and other shrubs and trees. We will be doing “hands-on pruning” on sample ”trees” inside so bring your own hand pruners, see a demonstration, and then try it for yourself. You will learn from an expert and master the art of pruning—crape myrtles and other shrubs and small trees!