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Propagators Reception: Dolores Hydock

Thursday, September 10, 2015
5:00 pm7:00 pm
Eddie and Kay Aldridge Arts & Historical Collections Museum
This special wine reception is intended for propagator level members only.

Please join us as we welcome Dolores Hydock to Aldridge Gardens. Propagator level members will enjoy their monthly wine reception, from 5 to 6 p.m., while mixing and mingling with the artist. Around 6:00 p.m., Dolores will tell her own story about her life as a storyteller.

Dolores Hydock is an actress and story performer, whose work has been featured at a variety of concerts, festivals, and special events throughout the U.S. Her CDs of original stories have all received Resource Awards from Storytelling World Magazine.

She is originally from Reading, Pennsylvania, home of the Reading Railroad and Luden's Cough Drops. Her hometown is where she won her first blue ribbon in storytelling in a local contest at the age of five. The real gold letters on the blue ribbon convinced her there was obviously a fortune to be made in the performing arts. She continues to hope.

As a storyteller, she has been a featured teller at the National Storytelling Festival in Jonesborough, Tennessee, and at other story concerts, festivals, and special events throughout the U.S.

Dolores lives here in Birmingham. In her spare time, she tends a garden that includes a pomegranate bush, muscadine vines, blueberry bushes, a 20-foot jujuba tree, and a family of slugs the size of cheap cigars.

Join us on the 10th to hear more, directly from Dolores herself.